Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Disability Permits

Level 1 - parking in disability spaces in all surface lots.
Level 2 - parking in disability spaces in all surface lots and garages.
(Click here for current pricing)

Anyone who is issued an annual University of Arizona disability parking permit must have either a valid state issued permanent disability placard in the permit holder's name or disability license plates registered to the permit holder.

Temporary Disability Permits (Maximum of 6 Months)

Viewing this link requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer. Application for a Temporary Disability Permit

There is a daily charge for all temporary disability permits for those who are not current permit holders. Temporary disability permits are issued only after proper authorization has been received. If applicable, please bring in your current permit when requesting a temporary disabled permit. Hourly disability spaces require display of a placard or disability plate and payment of the hourly fee. Permits are not valid at hourly spaces.

Students must visit the Campus Health Center or a physician for examination and verification of disability. Applications for a temporary disability permit are available at the link above and at the Campus Health Center. The form verifying that the applicant meets established physical limitations must be signed by a physician and presented to Parking and Transportation Services prior to issuance of a temporary disability permit OR provide a state issued MVD disabled placard in the name of the disabled student applying for disabled parking permit.

Employees must present the Temporary Disability Permit form signed by a physician to Parking and Transportation Services OR provide a state issued MVD disabled placard in the name of the disabled employee applying for disabled parking permit.