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Cat Wheels Bike Sharing Program 

About Cat Wheels Bikes

The Cat Wheels Bike Program is a PTS initiative designed to provide a free bicycle loan system for The University of Arizona. The program was developed to help students move around campus in a quick, safe, and sustainable fashion.

To use a bike for free, simply bring your CatCard to any of the Cat Wheels locations. The first time you check out a bike, the cashier/dispatcher will ask you to read and sign a liability form. All subsequent checkouts will require your CatCard only.

Signing up & Cat Wheels bicycle loaner rules

  • Bikes are available (free of charge) to UA students and employees 18 years or older who have a current/valid Cat Card. Cat Card must be shown at time of rental.
  • High quality U-Lock, key, and set of attachable lights provided with each bike.
  • Bicycle along with U-lock, key, and lights must be returned in the same condition as when checked out.
  • Bikes can be checked out from the 2nd Street garage and 6th Street garage. To check out a bike from the 2nd Street garage, you will need to go to the Cashier Booth. To check out a bike from the 6th Street garage, you will need to go to the Dispatch window located on the southeast corner of the Parking & Transportation Services Building.
  • Bicycles are issued on a first come first served basis (no advanced reservations).
  • Bike loan agreement may be accessed online, printed out, completed, and taken to one of the appropriate locations listed above OR, you can go directly to the site location and request and complete the form right at the site location. The process is simple, easy and fast.
  • Bicycle must be returned to the same location it was "checked out" from.
  • Bike loan period is for one working day. Bike must be returned by no later than 4:00pm the following work day. (Example: check out on Monday 8:00am - due back Tuesday by no later than 4pm). Note: Bikes checked out on Friday will not be due back until Monday by 4pm.
  • A daily late fee of $10.00 will apply - up to the cost of replacing the bicycle. Any user not returning bicycle after 7 days will be reported to UAPD (University Police).
  • User indemnifies the University and agrees to pay for replacement costs in case of loss of bicycle and/or equipment (lock, key, and/or lights). See rental agreement form for specifics.
  • Users agrees to allow PTS to collect any fees through their Bursars account (if student) or payroll deduction (if employee).
  • Bike renewals are allowed provided availability of a different bike.
  • User agrees to use bicycle responsibly, according to all applicable laws.
  • Helmets are available, upon request, at check-out time.

Sign Up form:

Viewing this link requires Adobe Reader Bike Share Sign-up Form