Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Displaying Your Permit

Parking permits must be clearly displayed during hours of operation in locations that are issued a physical permit.

Surface lots: during times published on signage; Garages: 24 hours, Monday through Friday.

Hang tag permits should hang from the rear-view mirror or be placed on the dash (or as otherwise directed). Enforcement officers must be able to see the permit and the permit number. Be sure your permit is clearly visible before leaving your vehicle.

Gated Garage permit holders receive an RFID unit, which is designed to adhere to the lower left hand corner (driver's side) of the front windshield and will open the gates at the entrance and exit.

Gateless Garages are Permit-By-License Plate parking locations and will not receive a physical permit, your license plate is your permit.

Stickers are to be affixed to the lower left hand corner (driver's side) of the front windshield. The permit must be affixed in such a manner that the permit number is in full view and not obscured by any window coverings or treatments.

Permit-By-License Plate parking locations will not receive a physical permit, your license plate is your permit.

Motorcycles: The permit must be affixed on or near the rear fender by the license plate or on the right front fork of the motorcycle. The permit number must be in full view at all times.