Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit.
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Department Guest Parking

Department Reservation - Reserve a space(s) for Lot 10002 or 10003

LocationRate Per SpaceProcess
Lot 10002$10/dayOnline: Department Reservations. Under “Select Parking Area” choose Phoenix Bioscience Core. Restricted to 20 spaces.
Lot 10003$15/dayEmail Include: Department Name, # of spaces, date, time frame, and KFS account number.

Department Hourly Parking - Purchase Passport Mobile App Redemption Codes to validate hourly parking.

Passport Mobile App: Customer required to download Passport Mobile App to smartphone. License place and debit/credit card required. Redemption code will validate amount after parking session. A customer’s card will be charged for any amount over the redemption code denomination.

Passport Redemption Codes – Lot 10002
$2/hr. No Max
Payment required Mon-to Fri 7am-9pm
PBC Redemption Code Order Form
Passport Redemption Codes – Lot 10003 $3/hr. No Max
Payment required Mon-to Fri 7am-9pm

PBC Garage Chaser Tickets

No guaranteed reservations - based on garage availability.

Chaser Ticket: Is a way for departments to pay for guest parking. Customer pulls ticket at entrance gate. During the event, the department provides guests with a chaser ticket. Upon exiting the garage, the customer inserts the parking ticket at the exit gate followed by the chaser ticket and the amount will be discounted 100% to the customer.

PBC GarageService Billed based on usage. Email
Chaser Ticket Request Form

Special Event Parking – Process

  1. Email your event parking requests to
  2. Submit an Event | Phoenix Bioscience Core