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Zone 1 & South of Sixth Street Special Event Parking Control

Game Schedules Here

Football Game Days:

Reserved Lots:
      Lot Specific4052, 4053, 4056, 4057, 4144, 4164
      South of Sixth and other 7102, 7103, 7105, 7229, 7230, 8106, 8110, 8178, 8179

  • The above noted Zone 1 & South of Sixth Street permit lots are reserved exclusive for ICA permit holders (7:00am - Kickoff).
  • Zone 1 & South of Sixth Street UA permit holders can park for "Work-Related" needs in other non reserved parking areas free of charge on game day.
  • UA permit holders, who are residents, must relocate their car to an appropriate non-reserved lot prior to the Reserved Posted Time.  Lots are controlled at 5:00pm on weekdays.
  • permit holders must remove their cars from the reserved lots prior to 7:00am on Game Day and/or have made specific exception arrangements with the Customer Relations Section for a later removal, (520) 626-7275.
  • UA permit holders will not be allowed to enter the reserved lots on Game Day.
  • Please Review the "Viewing this link requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer. FOOTBALL PARKING MAP" for an overview of parking control on Game Days.


Reserved Lots: 4144, 4057, 8110, 8178, 8179, 8106

  • Reserved exclusive for ICA permit holders, as posted on weekdays and weekend days.
  • On weekday game days, Lot Specific & South of Sixth Street entitled UA permit holders can park after 5:00pm for "Work-Related" needs in the 2nd Street or Sixth street Garage and or other non reserved parking areas free of charge. 
  • UA permit holders, who are residents, must relocate their car to an appropriate non-reserved lot prior to the Reserved Posted Time.  Lots are controlled at 5:00pm on weekdays.
  • Permit holders must remove their cars from the reserved lots prior to the posted time on Game Day and/or have made specific exception arrangements with the Customer Relations Section for a later removal, (520) 626-7275.
  • UA permit holders will not be allowed to enter the lot on Game Day, during the posted “Control time”.
  • Please review the Viewing this link requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer. Basketball Parking Map, for an overview of parking control on Game Days. (To be added at a later date)


Special arrangement can be made for Disabled Level 1 permit holders who require parking during the "Control Time" for work-related-reasons.  Requirements for exception to the above policy can be discussed with the Customer Relations Section, (520) 626-7275.