Students, heading home for the holidays? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit.
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Phoenix Biomedical Campus Parking & Alternative Transportation

Parking Permits

Permit and Bus Pass Registration for 2019-2020 is currently open.

Please contact PTS through

UA and NAU faculty, staff and students are eligible to purchase a parking permit through the UA Parking & Transportation Services (PTS).

  • Permits are assigned on a space available basis.
  • Benefits eligible UA employees may request payroll deduction to pay for their permit.
  • UA Students may transfer the cost of the permit to the Bursar account for a $20 non-refundable fee due at the time you select this option(no fee if done online).
  • Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted.

**ASU employees and students: Please contact ASU Parking and Transit Services to request a parking permit or transit pass:

Annual Parking Permit Prices:
Valid 07/01/18 - 06/30/19


Item Rate
PBC Parking Garage
Lot 10002
Disabled Lot 2001
Disabled PBC Garage 900
Motorcycle w/ vehicle permit
Reserved space
$1310 + Cost of Area

All prices subject to change


*East Convention Center Garage:  This facility is no longer offered through PTS.  You may contact Ace Parking direct at 602-256-9760 to make your own parking arrangements.


Please consider the use of mass transit methods as a cost-effective and convenient travel option. Doing so will lessen the amount of time you spend in traffic, decrease your vehicle emissions, and reduce parking demand on campus. PTS supports alternative transportation and will continue to subsidize transit passes which include METRO light rail.

Academic year U-passes and Employee Platinum passes will go on sale on August 1st, 2019. Summer 2019 U-Passes will go on sale on May 6th, 2019.

Bus Pass Renewal and New Requests

If you would like to renew your current bus pass, change to a different pass, or are requesting a bus pass for the first time, print a Purchase Form. Completed forms may be fax (520) 621-7055 or emailed to:

* Please do not email credit card information. If you are unable to fax the Purchase Form, email it and a PTS representative will call you for your credit card information when we are ready to process your request.


Employee  (07/01/19-06/30/2020) Subsidized Full Fare
Express/Rapid Platinum $632.00 $1,264.00
Local Platinum

$384.00 $768.00
Student Subsidized Full Fare
Academic Year 8/16/2019-5/15/2020 $100.00 $200.00
SUMMER Semester 05/13/2019—08/12/2019 $77.00 $154.00

Transportation Programs

Parking Lots
Parking permits are available for purchase by UA and NAU staff and students. Permits are offered on a space available basis for:
• Lot 10002 located on Van Buren near 7th Street
• PBC Parking Garage located on the PBC campus

**ASU employees and students: Please contact ASU Parking and Transit Services to request a parking permit or transit pass: Opens in new window external link

Visitor Parking
The Phoenix Biomedical Campus lots can accommodate department guests and university related groups and organizations on a limited basis. Please make arrangements with Visitor Programs at least 24 hours in advance. Minimum 24-hour notification of cancellation is required. Please call 520-621-3710. Reservations may be made using our online visitor reservation system. A Net ID and password are required to use this system. Visitors who have not made prior arrangements may park on a space available basis and pay at one of the digital pay stations. Your receipt is your permit!

For the commuter on the go, we have annual motorcycle permits available on a space available basis.

Special Event Parking
Visitor Programs can assist with parking arrangements for your event – their contact is 520-621-3710. Advance notice is required to ensure parking accommodations: athletic events, festivals, workshops, ceremonies, performances and conferences. PTS also may use the parking lot for community events which subsidizes the high cost of construction and brings you a lower parking rate.

The UA carpool program is administered through UA Parking and Transportation Services in Tucson specifically for the benefit of Phoenix Biomedical Campus employees and students. Eligible carpools consist of three or more individuals sharing one permit per carpool (members may register more than one vehicle) on the majority of their commute trips to campus. Carpoolers park in our Phoenix campus parking lot and share the cost of the parking permit. All members must have an affiliation with the University of Arizona. You may start a carpool with fewer than three people using Share The Ride services (see below) or Opens in new window external linkRideAmigos. Call 520-621-3710 for more information.

Share The Ride
A free and secure on line ride-matching service brought to you by Valley Metro, the areas regional transit and rideshare agency. It provides an easy method of finding others who are interested in sharing the ride to the work site via carpool, vanpool – or even someone you can bike with to work. Log on to: Opens in new window external link Receive guidance through the matching process. Using this service does not automatically make you eligible for the UA Carpool program.


RideAmigos is an online platform that will help you do two things:

  1. Plan your alternative transportation commute (carpooling, biking, walking, bus, streetcar, or Cat Tran). If you drive by yourself, it’s a great way to get connected to others for carpooling or learning about other modes of transportation.
  2. Get prizes! Want a FitBit or Beats headphones? A UA t-shirt or sunglasses? Track your commute to get free stuff from the “Achievement Store.”
Go to Opens in new window external link, and use your NetID and password to “login”

Emergency Ride Home
This program allows a UA employee or student who uses an alternative mode of travel (bus, bike, walk, carpool, vanpool) to the Phoenix Biomedical Campus work site a taxi ride home in case of an emergency. The user may not possess a UA parking permit and may utilize this service once per year if needed. PTS will pay up to a maximum of $50 of your Lyft ride home. The customer would be responsible to pay any dollar amount above the $50 maximum directly to the Lyft driver using a credit card. Call 520-621-1108 for the service.

Valley Metro provides vans to qualifying groups of 6-15 commuters, driven by one of the vanpool members. Passengers share the cost of operating the van by paying a monthly fare. The fare covers gas, insurance, and van maintenance costs. Opens in new window external link contains listings of available vanpool spaces and the route taken by the vanpools. PTS provides a free parking permit if you are successful in establishing a vanpool. Call 520-626-PARK to receive your parking permit.

Riding the Bus
UA students and employees of the Phoenix Biomedical Campus are eligible to purchase a transit pass for use on the Valley Metro bus system as well as on the new Metro Light Rail system.
The Platinum Pass Program for employees and the Semester Pass for students is subsidized up to 50% by UA Parking and Transportation Services. Student Semester Local pass holders can also use any Express/Rapid route by paying an additional $ 1.65 fee per trip. For more information regarding discounted fares and/or to purchase your bus pass call 520-626-7276. Valley Metro bus service is available across Maricopa County, with over 100 different lines operating throughout the day. Transit riders can use Valley Metro’s Custom Trip Planner, on the home page. Users enter their origin, destination and time of travel and the system will provide the routes available. Valley Metro also produces transit schedule books, which are available for free using an online order form.

METRO Light Rail
The employee Platinum passes (local and express) and the student Semester passes offered by UA Parking & Transportation Services can be utilized throughout the METRO Light Rail System. Light Rail will connect seamlessly with the Valley Metro regional bus system. The rail trains operate 20 hours per day, seven days a week. Trains run every 12 minutes during daytime hours and every 20 minutes after 7 p.m. On weekends and holidays, trains arrive at stations every 15 minutes to 20 minutes. For more information go to Opens in new window external link

Bike and Walk
With our excellent year-round weather, cycling or walking is a great alternative mode of transportation for Valley commuters and residents. Not only is cycling or walking a great way to exercise each day, but it cuts down on traffic congestion and reduces air pollution.
Our Bike share program, Cat Wheels, allows students and employees who would like to utilize a loaner bicycle to check one out free of charge (conditions apply) from Historic Building One, third floor, Facility Management Department. Hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information call 520-827-2301.