Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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UA Parking & Transportation
Frequently Asked Questions


Visitor Parking

We are a department of the University and would like to pay for our guest's parking. How can we do this and what are our options?

  1. Your first option is to make a garage reservation using your UArizona Department account. You will need to provide the date(s), estimated arrival and departure times, number of spaces you would like to reserve and the group name and/or list of names. You are billed for the number of spaces you reserve whether or not they are used as the spaces are held. Should the "Garage Full" sign be displayed, your guest will need to intercom the cashier for access. Please visit
  2. Another option is to use parking coupons. We have a parking coupon program with two types of booklets, an hourly parking coupon and a daily parking coupon, available for most garages. With QR technology, guests have the option to skip the cashier line and validate their parking at a Pay Station or Exit Lane. At this time, a receipt cannot be issued when using a validation coupon. If you department requires a receipt, please contact us here and we will assist you.
Second Street Parking Garage
Daily Coupon Booklet of 25: $250
Hourly Coupon Booklet of 25: $50

All Other Parking Garages excluding Health Sciences Parking Garage and Honors Village Parking Garage*
Daily Coupon Booklet of 25: $200
Hourly Coupon Booklet of 25: $50

*Coupon booklets are not available for Health Sciences Parking Garage or Honors Village Parking Garage. Please email for more information about guest parking at those two locations.

To purchase: Submit an IB and send a department representative to the Parking & Transportation Services office with the Doc # and picture ID. We will release your order to the representative.

How much time do I have to cancel a reservation without being charged?
You have until the day beforehand or Friday if the reservation is for the following Monday.

We will need x number of garage reservations but may need extra spaces, how can we make sure the extra guests are allowed to park and validated through our account?
  • We can make a reservation that will allow extras on a space-available basis. However, extras are not guaranteed spaces if the garage is full. They will then be directed to another garage, at which point your department will need to give us a call to make a new reservation for that garage to ensure that your guest won't be charged.
What should our guest do if the garage has a full sign when they show up?
They will need to contact the cashier by intercom and identify themselves as having a reservation for access. The intercom is located at the entrance gate. They will then have to identify themselves again before exiting for validation.
We have VIP guests coming in and would like spaces reserved in the lot or meters, how can we do this?
PTS will need to know the number of spaces needed in order to determine the number of barricades, signs and units of flagging or meter bags required. Some cases require flyers to be posted on vehicles. "Reserved" permits will need to be displayed on those vehicles utilizing the spaces to avoid citations. Your department will need to either mail them out in advance or hand them out as the guests arrive.
As a visitor, how do I get a permit to park on Campus?
Parking permits are for students, faculty, and staff. Visitors and hourly-pay parking may make arrangements through Visitor Programs by calling (520) 621-3710.
We are hosting a Summer Program and would like to know the cost of parking and where would they park?
Please contact Visitor Programs at (520) 621-3710.

I have no place to park because you have reserved my usual parking area for a specific use.
Parking & Transportation Services has the authority to reserve parking lots and garages in part of whole for the purpose of allowing parking for special events. It is not our intent to do this at the detriment of regular season parkers, but sometimes a balancing act is required to accommodate both groups. When this is done, we are always careful to assure that alternate proximity parking is available to those permit holders that we may displace. We send out displacement emails before special events to alert affected permit holders. If you are affected by special event displacement and have not been receiving these emails, please contact us here.

There may be special event fees charged to use these areas or they may be reserved for special event permits or ticket holders. Vehicles parked in violation may be subject to citation and, in some cases, towed. If you need assistance locating parking, please call Dispatch at (520) 621-1108.
I am attending the UA Presents performance and would like to know where I can park.
  • Disabled parking is provided in the lot next to Centennial Hall on a first come first serve basis. You will need to enter on South Campus Dr. off of Park Ave.
  • General parking is available in the Tyndall Ave Garage or Main Gate Garage (for larger performances). Fees may apply.
I am attending the Football/Basketball game. Where can I park and how much does it cost?
Parking availability and prices depend on the specific event. Please see the Athletic Event Parking page of our website for details.

I am having an event on the Mall and my vehicle needs access. What should I do?
Have you filled out a Campus Mall Use Form? If not, then you will need to contact Campus Use/Mall Scheduling first. Once your event has been approved, please contact Visitor programs at (520) 621-3710 a minimum of 5 days prior to your event and we can make all the necessary arrangements. A gate fee may be required, and must be paid no later than one business day prior to the event date in order for us to schedule and provide the services. We will need to know the number of vehicles and what time the vehicles will access the mall area. Vehicles may not remain parked for the duration of the event unless lawn parking has been arranged in advance through Campus Use/Mall Scheduling.
We have scheduled a field trip to the University and need to know where we can park our bus.
Please contact Visitor Programs at (520)621-3710 to make arrangements.

Garage Parking

Do visitors have in and out privileges?
No, you must get a new parking ticket each time you enter, and pay each time you exit. So, if you leave the garage and come back for an additional parking session, you will have to pay again.

What forms of payment are accepted at pay stations and exit gates?
Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and CatCash. No cash - card only. If you need a receipt, please be sure to select a receipt option before your next payment is processed.

What if my garage visitor ticket gets lost/stolen?
Cherry Avenue Garage, Main Gate Garage, Park Avenue Garage, Second Street Garage, Sixth Street Garage, and Tyndall Avenue Garage: A $16.00 (non-refundable fee) for a lost ticket can be paid at the exit gate.

If vehicles are leaving, why doesn't the full light go off and why can't I come in?
In some cases, the vehicles that are exiting are permit holders. Their spaces remain reserved, so it does not affect the count. When the garage is full, we cannot allow other visitors in because spaces are reserved for permit holders and those who have made reservations. We suggest utilizing the Garage Full App to locate which garage has availability.
How do I make a reservation for myself?
Have the department you are visiting contact Visitor Programs at (520) 621-3710.

Where is the closest motorcycle parking?
Please check our motorcycle parking map.

Can I pay in advance?
This has been discontinued. To avoid seeing the cashier, all garages are equipped with self-help pay stations called CatPAD (Pay and Dash). You may either pay at the exit or at the nearest Pay on Foot station.

Hourly Pay Parking

What are all the different methods of payment at street or surface lot meter parking?
Most of the street and surface lot hourly pay parking is powered by Passport Parking app. Customers can pay via the Passport app or on a desktop at
How do I sign up for Passport hourly pay parking?
Set up a free account with either method:
  1. On your smartphone by downloading the Passport app at Google Play store or Apple App store.
  2. On your computer:
What is Passport Parking?
Effective August 2019, we have moved to the Passport Parking app for our hourly-pay parking on campus. To learn more about Passport, please visit
How does the phone feature of Passport work?
  1. Open the Passport app
  2. Enter the location code indicated by signage around your parking space, and enter your license plate.
  3. Enter desired parking time.
  4. Pay with your credit card.
Can I extend time for hourly pay parking using Passport?
Yes. You can get notifications for when your time will expire. From the Passport app, there's an option to "Add Time." Simply select the feature, add the extra time, and pay through your phone again with the credit card on file.
How can I get a receipt of my hourly parking?
You can elect for an emailed receipt on the app after your parking session is over.
Will I get a notification if my time is about to expire?
Yes, if your push notifications is turned on, you will get a notification or text when your time will expire. Standard messaging rates apply.
Is there a maximum and minimum time limit?
Depends on the location. Passport will direct you on how much time you can put in. Signs will indicate the time of day when parking is enforced. Effective July 1, 2021, our street and lot hourly parking is Monday through Friday 7 AM- 9 PM, with the exception of Lot 3175 which is also enforced on Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to check individual signage.

What is Passport hourly parking operating hours on streets and lots?
You are required to pay from 7 AM to 9 PM. If you arrive before 7 AM, you can pre-purchase parking time, which will be valid starting at 7 AM, or when enforcement starts. Similarly, if you arrive at 8 PM, you are only responsible for paying for the remaining time. Parking after 9 PM is free.

What is Passport hourly parking operating hours in the gateless garages?
You are required to pay Monday through Friday, all day (24 hours). Be sure to check the garage entrance for signage.

How do the machines work?
At most hourly pay parking, there will only be Passport. There is one digital pay station at the top level of the Health Sciences Garage. Below are instructions for paying on the machines:
1) Input your license plate information
2) Add estimate time needed for parking
3) Input coupon or validation code if applicable
4) Pay for parking
How much is the parking rate?
$2 an hour.

Do the pay stations collect cash?
No, the pay stations do not accept cash. The only parking location on campus that accepts cash is Second Street garage.

I have a parking permit in this surface lot that also has hourly pay parking. Does my parking permit work in those spots too?
It does not. Displaying a University parking permit does not exempt you from payment through the Passport app. Permit holders are still responsible for paying for the duration that they park in an hourly space.


Permit-by-License Plate

What is Permit-by-License Plate?
Permit-by-License Plate uses license plate recognition equipment that provides virtual permits through a vehicle's license plate instead of paper permits or plastic hangtags. License Plate Recognition (LPR) equipment increases parking efficiency on campus, provides convenience for the parking customer, and greatly reduces the amount of paper and plastic waste. Individuals will register their vehicle plate information online using their Parking Account Portal when renewing or purchasing their permits. Please Note: License plates must be visible from the drive lane. Designated back-end parking excluded, please observe posted signage.

For permit year 2020-2021, physical permits are still required to be displayed with the exception of designated pilot Virtual Permit locations. Our goal is to reduce the need for physical permits by 2021-2022 by 80%.
How does Permit-by-License Plate work?
When a vehicle parks on campus, the rear license plate is captured by cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles. Permit-by-License Plate works similar to a supermarket scanner with your license plate functioning as the barcode. When scanned by LPR equipment, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify a valid permit and the proper parking privileges for the lot location. If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid permit or the vehicle is parked in an inappropriate lot, the vehicle will be evaluated by a Parking Services Officer.
How will my license plate information be used/stored?
Vehicle information is routed to secure servers and is not shared with other departments or outside agencies. Vehicle information is stored as long as the permit is valid. Information for plate scans that are in compliance will be purged at the end of day. Plate scans that are connected to a citation will purge the associated data from the server and only retain the violation on record.
How will Permit-by-License Plate benefit me?
  • Eliminates the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle to vehicle
  • Pay stations on campus are now paperless and contactless
  • Returning to your vehicle to display a paper permit will no longer be necessary
  • Lost or stolen permits and the associated replacement fees, police reports, and processing times will be eliminated
  • No more worrying about forgetting your permit, a permit falling from a rearview mirror or being displayed improperly
  • Reduced paper, plastic, envelopes and ink used in permit production and distribution
  • Reduced waste and litter in all campus lots
What if I have more than one vehicle?
Up to three license plates may be associated with one parking permit, but only one vehicle on campus using the permit at a time.
What if I get a new vehicle/license plate?
It is very important that your vehicle information stays up-to-date and current. Anytime you have new changes with your vehicle/license plate, be sure to log into your Parking Account Portal and update your information. As soon as you complete your updates, the information will take effect.
What if I have a personalized license plate with special characters?
If you have a license plate with special characters such as hearts, stars, etc., when entering your plate information, skip over the special character and enter the number and letters.
Will I receive a citation if my license plate is dirty or I have a decorative cover?
As long as your plates are legal for driving, our system will be able to read them.
What if I have a newly registered vehicle with a temporary paper plate?
Log into your Parking Account Portal and update your plate with the new paper plate number.
Will this apply to me if I drive my motorcycle to campus?
Yes, our system will also be able to read the plates on motorcycles. Once you enter your plate into your account, your vehicle will be associated with your permit.
What if I have a rental car?
Rentals are considered temporary vehicles, and you don't need to add them to your Parking Account; however, your parking permit must be displayed. If you do not have your permit, please contact us at (520) 621-1108 to make arrangements.
Can I carpool with someone else? If so, how do I do this?
Absolutely! We encourage carpooling. All you need to do is make sure that the person you are carpooling with registers their plate under the active permit.

Permit Assignment and Distribution

What are the permit assignment priorities?
Permit availability is limited. PTS assigns permits based on the following priorities:

1) Employees on Payroll Deduction
A renewal email notice will be sent to you with a deadline to purchase by. If you would like to renew your parking permit, you must meet this deadline. If you don't take action, your permit will not be renewed. If you would like a new location, you may place yourself on a waitlist for that new location, if available, once instructed to do so on your renewal email notice. You will be given priority to place yourself on a waitlist, since you're on payroll deduction.
2) Employees with parking permits, but not on payroll deduction
A renewal email notice will be sent to you with a deadline to purchase by. If you would like to renew your parking permit, you must meet this deadline. If you don't take action, your permit will not be renewed.
Students with parking permits
Renewals begin in late spring. A renewal email notice will be sent to you with a deadline to purchase by. If you would like to renew your parking permit, you must meet this deadline. If you don't take action, your permit will not be renewed.
3) Anyone who wants a parking permit, but doesn't currently have one
Open registration begins in late spring. Permits are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
4) Affiliates:
Registration will occur in late spring at

Permit holders in any of the groups above who fail to register by the date indicated in an email we send out will lose their early registration advantage. They will be considered for assignment based solely on the date they actually registered.

*Exceptions: When the number of available permits for an area has decreased due to loss of spaces, the permit holder will be assigned an alternate location and given the option of requesting a change to another type of permit. Change requests are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis as of the date the customer responds on the Parking Account Portal.

What if I don't get assigned the location I want?
You will remain on the waitlist until you are assigned your choice or until February when waitlists are purged. An email will be sent to your main UArizona email address if you are assigned a permit. Be sure to check your Junk mail regularly and before deleting it to make sure your assignment email did not go to that folder. If you decide you would like to change waitlist selection, visit your Parking Account Portal. Requesting a change will move you to the bottom of the waitlist for that parking location. You will be deleted from your current waitlist and added to a new one.
When will I be notified that my permit assignment has been made and permit distribution has begun?
Permit assignment notifications will be sent out via email in late spring. A copy of your eBill will be placed under "letters" in your Parking Portal. Permits are mailed to address on file, which is imported from UAccess. Permits that are not purchased by the deadline referenced in the "eBill" will be assigned to the individuals that are on the waitlist. If you have not received your renewal email by July, please contact Customer Relations here or by calling (520) 727-7275.

Parking Request Status

How can I check on the status of my parking assignment?
Please check your UArizona email and Parking Account Portal for updates.
I don't read my University e-mail. How can I be sure that the parking office has received my parking request?
You may check your parking status online at any time on the Parking Account Portal. In an effort to become more efficient and to comply with the UArizona guidelines, permit assignments from the waitlist will be sent by e-mail only. Computer labs are provided throughout campus, free of charge, for your convenience.
What do I do if I received a parking assignment but did not receive my permit?
If you purchased your permit by the end of July and do not receive it in the mail on or before the 3rd week of August, please contact Customer Relations here. Customer Relations Specialists will investigate and contact you. Upon verification that payment has been received and the permit was issued and mailed, you will be given instructions on how to obtain a replacement. Please be sure to keep your email and mailing address up-to-date on UAccess.
How and when will I receive my permit?
Employees on Payroll Deduction:
If applicable, permits will be mailed to the mailing address on file, which is imported from UAccess. You will be offered the opportunity to update your address during the Permit Renewal process.
**IMPORTANT** Please purchase your permit online allowing sufficient time to receive it at your residence prior to leaving for school. If you live outside of the Tucson metropolitan area, please do not wait until the last minute to purchase your permit. Plan to purchase your permit at least two weeks before leaving home to come to campus. This will allow time for delivery of your permit before you leave home.
All Other Permit Holders:
Permits will be purchased online this year at Please be sure to keep your email and mailing address up-to-date on UAccess. If purchased prior to July 1, your permit will be mailed out mid-July. If purchased after July 1, your permit will be mailed as it is processed.

Confirmation of Permit

I don't use the mailing address displayed on the confirmation page. How can I get my mailing address changed?
Changes to contact and mailing information must be made through UAccess.

Confirmation Information

What if my vehicle's license plate changes?
As we transition to a Permit-by-Plate system, in which your vehicle's license plate will be your permit, it is very important that your vehicle information stays up-to-date and current. Anytime you have new changes with your vehicle/license plate, please be sure to log into your Parking Account Portal and update your information. As soon as you complete your updates, the information will take effect.
What if I don't yet have the vehicle I want to register for the permit?
Vehicle information is required for the purchase of a permit. If you do not have a vehicle at the time of purchase, please contact our office for additional assistance here.

Eligibility for Parking Permit

Who is eligible for parking?
Students, employees and DCCs are eligible to apply for parking permits. The University of Arizona also has parking garages that accommodate visitors on an hourly basis, as well as hourly parking throughout campus.
Who is eligible for disabled permits?
Individuals with disabled state license plates or placards in their name may apply for disabled parking. Proof that the placard or plate is registered in the applicant's name is required before a permit will be distributed. Disabled permit holders may choose between two levels of service:
  • Level 1 - parking in disabled spaces in surface lots.
  • Level 2 - parking in disabled spaces in surface lots and all garages.

I missed the pre-registration deadline, how can I participate in registration?
Please visit our web page for permit information or call Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275 for information about permit availability.

Multiple Vehicles

What if I'm currently registered for 2+ vehicles? It seems unfair that I can't have a 2nd permit so I don't have to keep moving my permit to another car.
Permits are registered to customers, not vehicles. Our program only allows 1 permit per customer. The repositionable permit stickers and RFID permits are easily transferred from one vehicle to another.

Since August 2019, we have been in the process of transitioning to Permit-by-Plate, which will connect your parking permit to your license plate. Permit-by-Plate will eventually eliminate the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle to vehicle. We appreciate your patience as we transition to this new system.
I work in multiple buildings on campus and my duties require that I have to travel to several different locations on campus in the course of a normal business day. It seems unfair that I am restricted to only one permit.
Individuals whose job duties require travel to different locations on campus are urged to use the free campus shuttle (Cat Tran). Shuttle stops and schedule of times can be found on our web page. In some cases, a University department may purchase a service permit for use in Service Vehicle spaces around campus.
How do I add/delete a vehicle from my Parking Account Portal?

Start by signing in to the Parking Account Portal with your NetID. At the top of the screen, select Permits and follow instructions below.

To add
Permits > View your permits > Select your active permit > Bottom of screen "Add Vehicles to Permit"

To delete
Permits > View your permits > Select your active permit > Associated Vehicles > Actions select "Delete"

IMPORTANT: If you no longer OWN the vehicle, please contact us here.

Permits & Lots

What are the parking permit rates this year?
Parking Permit Price List--prices subject to change.
Will there be any changes to parking zones or area designations?
Parking program changes can be found on our web page.

When are permits required?
Parking permits are required Monday - Friday year-round including semester breaks and summers with the exception of 2nd Street Garage, which requires a parking permit Monday-Sunday.
What is an Evening Permit?
Evening permits allow parking in undedicated spaces in surface lots after 2:30 p.m. Garage evening permits are issued for a specific garage and are valid after 3:30 p.m.
I purchased a summer permit in May. Why can't I renew it?
Since many students leave campus during the summer, there is less demand for parking and we are able to accommodate our customers. Renewal for annual permits takes place in late spring. By summer, there are already wait lists for most permit categories.
How do I purchase a summer permit?
Summer permits go on sale in early May. They are only available in our office lobby and NOT online. Please call Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275 for details.
Would it be possible to issue a daily or discounted permit?
In response to changing remote work schedules, Parking and Transportation Services offers two discounted, occasional use, options to employees for the 2021/2022 permit year:
  1. Occasional Use Permit: Valid in Sixth St., Cherry, Park & Tyndall Garages. We will issue a garage access card loaded with 20 days; the card is reloadable through the end of the permit year. The cost will be at a discount rate of $6 per day. A limited amount of these permits will be available. Purchase an occasional permit through your Parking Account Portal or,
  2. Lot 9008 Passport spaces: We have discounted hourly spaces designated for at a rate of $2 per day. A ride on our Cat Tran buses will take you to campus. Download the Passport Mobile app and pay in Lot 9008.
We understand the need for occasional parking and hope that one of these options will meet your needs.

Why are there only certain locations available for the occasional permit? The lot I am inquiring about is vacant.
In response to flexible work schedules, PTS is piloting a new program to allow discounted parking to customers' changing needs. At this time, we have available capacity in the Highland and South Stadium parking garages, which serve the north and south end of campus.

At the same time, we continue to serve our annual permit holders. Annual permit holders, like many of us, come to campus infrequently. Since we do not know which days they will choose to come to campus, we have to keep their space available daily.

Employee Payment Options

As an employee, what if I don't agree to take the payroll deduction?
As an employee, what if I don't agree to take the payroll deduction?
You may pay for your permit by credit or debit card.
How will the payroll deduction work? How many payroll deductions are taken from my salary?
Payroll deductions begin with the first pay period in September. Deductions occur over 18 pay periods for all employees purchasing a permit located on the Main Campus or Phoenix Biomedical Campus. Deductions occur over 4 pay periods for all employees purchasing Off-Campus permits, Semester/Annual bus passes, Shuttle Boarding Passes or Bike Enclosures. if you receive a parking citation, you have the option to pay for it using payroll deduction as well. Citations placed on payroll deductions occur over 4 pay periods for all employees.
I enrolled in payroll deductions. Are my deductions pre-tax or post-tax deduction?
They are pre-tax deduction. On December 20, 2019, Congress repealed a section of the 2017 tax law (Public Law PL 115-97). This means employers can once again offer qualified transportation fringe benefits (e.g. parking, transportation and vanpooling) without a taxation penalty.
I am currently enrolled in payroll deductions. Can I pay the remaining balance in full?
Yes, employees can pay for permits and transit passes outside of payroll deductions. Payments can be made in our office or phone by credit or debit card. Please contact us at (520) 626-7275.

I have questions regarding my paystub.
Please contact the Financial Service Office at (520) 621-9097.

Student Payment Options

How do I pay for my permit?
Assigned permit holders will receive an assignment email with instructions on how to purchase the permit. Your online payment options are either credit card or transferring the balance to your Bursar's account. Employees also have the option of using Payroll Deduction to pay for their permits.
Can I pay with my Bursar Account?
You can transfer your permit cost to your Bursar Student Account. If purchasing online there is no additional cost. If purchasing in the PTS office, a $20 non-refundable fee is due at time of enrollment.
When is payment due?
Payment is due by the date indicated in your eBill delivered via email.

How do I cancel my permit request after the registration period is over? Is there a penalty for late cancellations?
There is no penalty for late cancellations. If you would like to cancel your permit, please contact Customer Relations here.

Registration Process

How do I submit a permit change?
You may go online and add yourself to a waitlist, if available. Please note that when you make a waitlist request, the date and time for your entry will be the actual date you make the request. Our permits are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
How do I correct wrong information? What is the procedure?
Contact Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275 or via email at

Wait List

What is the waitlist?
During parking registration, permit locations may "sell out." Individuals who want that specific parking location may place themselves on a waitlist, if available, via their Parking Account Portal. The entry is based on the date and time of the request. Once a permit has "sold out," the next opportunity to purchase is to be on the waitlist for that location.
How does the waitlist work?
The parking permit waitlist maintains your choice. The waitlist begins each year during registration for the following permit year as parking permit categories sell out. You will remain on the waitlist until you are assigned your choice or until February when waitlists are purged.
Why are some permit types not listed on the wait list form?
Certain permits are for locations that have very limited space. These permit types sell out during registration of current permit holders. The waitlists are fairly long and few permits are released from these lists. If it is not listed, the parking location is at capacity and no longer accepting requests. In an effort to accommodate as many customers as possible, waitlists can fill up. Develop a strategy and come up with a second or third choice location in case you don't see the waitlist you want.
Does my wait list position from the previous year affect my registration for the upcoming parking permits?
No. The current wait list ends on the last day of February and a new list will be created from current pre-registrations.

Lost or Stolen Permit

What happens if my permit is lost or stolen?
Lost or stolen permits may be replaced in our office for a fee. If your permit was stolen and you have a police report filed, you may bring a copy of that report and we will issue a replacement free of charge. Only 1 permit per academic year will be replaced free of charge. Any additional replacements will be replaced for a fee. Once a permit is reported as lost or stolen, it is placed in a database and a search is initiated. If the permit is found on campus, the vehicle displaying the permit will be impounded. The fee covers expenses associated with administering this process.

If I report my permit as lost, what do I do if it is found?
If you have reported a permit lost or stolen and you locate it, please contact Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275 for instructions on returning the permit. Under NO circumstance should you use the permit. Once a permit is reported as lost or stolen, it is placed in a database and a search is initiated. If the permit is found on campus, the vehicle displaying the permit will be impounded. A minimum fee of $400.00 will be charged, along with other legal and administrative sanctions.

Returns, Cancellations, & Exchanges

How do I refund/cancel my parking permit? What's the process?
The deadline to request a refund is the last business day of April. Permit refunds prorate on a monthly basis and have no value after the last business day in April. The monthly proration may vary depending on when a permit was purchased. Please contact Customer Relations for further assistance:

The refund will be issued in one of the following ways:
  1. Students: If you have taken a class within the last six months, your account at the Bursar's Office is typically credited within 10 days. First, check your account on UAccess to make sure your account has been credited. You may call Bursar's at (520) 621-3232 to have the check mailed to you, or you may pick it up in person at the Bursar's Office (bring ID). Note: if you have outstanding charges at the Bursar's Office, the credit may be used to pay any debts on your account.
  2. Employees: If you are an employee whose permit was on payroll deduction, you will continue to see deductions until monthly usage has been paid in full. If you have terminated employment and the refund misses your last paycheck, a separate check will be mailed to you. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
  3. Others: If you are no longer a student, or are a contractor or vendor, your refund will be made by check. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
I have a garage permit, how do I return my RFID unit?
RFID units can be returned to PTS office, dropped off at one of our drop boxes located at Highland, Sixth Street and South Stadium Garage, or mailed to us. We recommend obtaining a return receipt for your personal records and keeping it for six months.

Permit holders not renewing for the following permit year and graduating students need to return RFID units by end of August. For units mailed, we suggest obtaining tracking information. RFID units should be placed in a cardboard or bubble-pack mailer to prevent them from tearing the envelope and getting lost when processing through the mail system.

Permits may be mailed to:
Attn: Customer Relations
Parking & Transportation Services
The University of Arizona
1117 E. 6th St
Tucson, AZ 85721

I will only need my permit for half the year. Can I get a refund?

Yes. Because permits are prorated monthly, the refund amount may vary depending on when the permit was purchased. Please contact Customer Relations for further assistance:

Why can't I get a full refund?
Once the permit has been purchased, you have until 4pm the business day prior to the permit's effective date receive a full refund. After this date, we do offer prorated refunds. Please visit our website for more details at:

I am leaving the University and need to cancel my parking permit. Can I get a refund?

The deadline to request a refund is the last business day of April. Permit refunds prorate on a monthly basis and have no value after the last business day in April. The monthly proration may vary depending on when a permit was purchased. Please contact Customer Relations for further assistance: and to the subject line, add "Parking Permit Cancellation Request." For a full explanation check out the Permits Terms and Refunds page.

Why can't PTS guarantee the same permit location for individuals who decide to return their permit?
When canceled, a permit is placed back in the queue for sale or assigned to the next person on the location waitlist. A parking space cannot be held at no charge while other customers may want the benefit of the location.  

It is not impossible to obtain your permit location back. There are two options:
  • See what's for sale on the Parking Portal and purchase, or
  • If the permit location is not available, you may place yourself on the waitlist which opens in October each year based on availability.
Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) is committed to providing parking permit assignments on a nondiscriminatory basis to the UAZ campus community.

I am on payroll deduction and am going on leave without pay or leaving the University, what do I do with my permit?
The permit must be returned to our office. PTS is not automatically informed of changes to your payroll status, and permit charges are liable to accumulate after your temporary or permanent separation from the University. By accepting the terms of permit purchase by payroll deduction, you accept responsibility for charges that accumulate on your account until your permit is returned or expired. If you are on leave without pay contact us at (520) 626-7275 as we treat each situation on a case by case basis.
I am an employee working from home and am considering returning my permit. Will I be guaranteed the same parking location when I return?
We sell available permits to students, faculty, and staff on a first come first serve basis and after we renew current permit holders. When you return a parking permit, we issue that permit to the next person on the waitlist. Even with the pandemic, we still have waiting lists for all primary parking locations on campus. If we were to hold parking permits until some undetermined future date, this would not be a good use of space and would not allow us to provide this space to those on the waitlist.  

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have. Please email us at

I cancelled my permit in Spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, why am I still getting Payroll Deductions?
PTS wanted to provide financial relief during the pandemic. During this unprecedented time, we offered a temporary cancellation to pause the remaining payroll deductions for 2019-2020. However, this was not a permanent cancellation of your auto renewal status for the 2020-2021 parking permit.

Emails were sent out to inform you of our intent to renew your parking location along with instructions on how to cancel your 2020-2021 permit. A copy of the communication was
also placed in your parking portal account which provided these further instructions:

If you decide to cancel your permit now, view the proration table at this link for further details:


Bicycle Programs

Where do I find information about bicycles and bike programs on campus?
Please visit our bicycle webpage for up-to-date bicycle information.

How do I register my bike?
Bike registrations can be done at the Bike Repair Station or online here.

What services are provided at the Bike Repair Shop powered by Outdoor Rec?
Bike registrations, brake adjustment, cable adjustment, flat tire assistance, and more! The Bike Repair Station is open Monday-Friday 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM and is located near the Nugent Building.

Cat Wheels

Where can Cat Wheels stations be found?
Cat Wheels stations can be found in or outside all campus parking garages with the exception of Honors Village Garage, Health Sciences Garage, and South Stadium Garage. They can also be found at the Outdoor Rec area of the Campus Recreation Center, and at both bike valet locations.
How long can I check out a Cat Wheels Bike for?
Cat Wheels bikes can be checked out until 4pm the next school day. All bikes must be returned to the location from which the Bike was checked out. A daily late fee of $10.00 will apply for bikes not returned the next school day.
Where do I check out a Cat Wheels bike at 6th Street Garage?
Bikes are located on the southeast side of the 6th Street Garage and checkout is done by visiting the PTS Dispatch window on the southeast corner of the Parking & Transportation Services Building.
When are Cat Wheel bikes able to be checked out or checked in?
Cat Wheels bikes can be checked out Monday - Friday at any time the garage cashier, Outdoor Rec staff, PTS Dispatch, or bike valet staff are working. A bike that is checked out must be returned to the location from which it was checked out.
How are Cat Wheels Bikes checked out?
Cat Wheels bikes can be checked out by filling out a one-time agreement form. A current and valid Cat Card is all that is needed to check out and check in a bike thereafter.

Bike Valet

What is the Bike Valet program?
This is a program for all University-affiliated staff and students with registered bikes. Open Monday-Friday from 7:45am-6:00pm, these stations are located near the Nugent Building and the Warren bike path and Helen Street (East of Bio5). The Nugent bike valet is closed during the summer, but the Warren bike valet remains open year-round. No lock is needed at the bike valet stations. After checking in your bike, an attendant will give you a brass tag that you will need to return to claim your bike. More information can be found at
What if I can't pick up my bike from the Bike Valet before 6 PM?
Bikes not picked up from the Bike Valet will be secured to a rack within the valet parking area with a PTS U-Lock. The bikes can be unlocked by calling our Dispatch at 520-621-1108 after 6 PM to arrange for your bike to be unlocked. We will make every effort to get there as soon as possible, but due to reduced staff in the evening, there may be a wait. PTS is not responsible for theft or damage to bicycles left at the Bike Valet after hours.

Bike Lockers

How do I purchase a space in a bike locker or other bike enclosure around campus?
Please contact Customer Relations at 520-626-7275 to inquire about availability.

Bicycle Information

Where can I find a map of bike routes across campus?
A map of Bike Routes on campus can be viewed on UArrive.
Where can I shower if I bike to work?
UArizona faculty and staff who bike to work are eligible to use locker and shower facilities (free of charge) at the Campus Recreation Center. More information can be found at .


Cat Tran Transit

Is the Cat Tran transit service free on campus?
Yes. There are no fare boxes on any of the shuttles. Transit service is provided free of charge to students, employees and visitors to the UArizona campus provided they catch the shuttle on our main campus (the interior streets). There are certain express routes that service outlying park-n-ride lots; these routes do require a boarding pass. An academic neighborhood boarding pass is available for the Orange route. It may be obtained for $50 online at the Parking Account Portal ( If you are a current student or employee at UArizona, Boarding passes are not a replacement for parking in Park 'n Ride Lots 9004, 9006, 9007, and 9008. If you wish to park in either of these designated parking lots, a parking permit is required. A boarding pass is included with a Park 'n Ride permit.
How do I know where the Cat Tran goes and when will it come to a particular stop?
Transit service schedules are published online. Each route is timed and each is defined by color or name. Selected major stops are shown with printed departure times. With a service schedule, you can easily determine when the transit bus will depart from any stop on any route. Cat Tran can be tracked via UArrive and the Arizona Mobile app.
Where do I get a Cat Tran shuttle schedule?
Schedules are provided on our website's Cat Tran page. Additionally, every shuttle carries schedule guides located in the information rack. You can also pick one up at the Parking and Transportation Services building, the Student Union Memorial Center's information desk and/or their "Campus Links" Center, and Main Library.
Does the shuttle run during the summer months?
Yes. However, Red and Rrange routes do not run. Summer Hours are: M-F, 6:30am-6:30pm (University Holidays excluded). Night Cat does not run in the summer.
Does the shuttle go to the airport?
No. There are some private, local shuttle providers that service both the Tucson and Phoenix airports on an hourly schedule.

We would like to provide transportation for our event and would like to know how much it would cost to charter a Cat Tran shuttle?
Shuttle service is provided at a minimum of three hours (if the driver is called in for service outside of his/her regular shift). The cost per bus, per day, is $210 for the first three hours and $70 each additional hour (billed in 15-minute increments). Daily per bus maximum is $600. This pricing is consistent throughout the year. Stand-down time is $35 per hour (a minimum of 1 hour of inactivity is required). Cancellation fees may apply.  Please visit: Cat Tran Shuttle for more information.

Sun Tran

What is a U-Pass?
The U-Pass is a discounted bus pass for the City of Tucson's Sun Tran bus service and Sun Link streetcar. The transit pass can be purchased as either a physical card or a digital pass (available on the GoTucson Transit app). It is available to any registered student at UArizona taking more than 3 credits or to any UArizona employee working at least half-time. Prices for the passes are discounted up to 50% and are available for purchase through PTS online or in our office.
How can I get a U-Pass?
You can get a U-Pass online or in our office. Purchasing online and selecting a mobile pass allows you to use it right away. Purchasing a physical card in our office may take up to 2 business days to activate.
How do I get a Sun Tran bus schedule?
Sun Tran bus schedules are available online at and in our office: 1117 E 6th St, Bldg 181.

I'm new in town; can someone help me with planning my route to the University or around town?
Use the RideAmigos platform to plan your trip! Go to to begin. On the landing page, type in the addresses or cross streets of your starting point and final destination. Then click "View My Commute Options" to see which bus route is best for you, along with a variety of other alternative transportation options.

You may call Sun Tran at (520) 792-9222. Please have the following information ready when you call:
  • Where are you going? (nearest intersection)
  • What time would you like to be there?
  • Where will you be catching the bus (nearest intersection)?


Who can I contact to address questions or concerns about the carpool program?
For more information on the UArizona carpool program, please visit the carpool page of our website or call (520) 626-7275 and a customer service representative will assist you.

Electric Car Charging Stations

Where are the electric car charging stations located?
The stations are located in the 2nd Street, 6th Street, Tyndall Avenue, and Honors Village parking garages and Lots 1227, 1224, 2012. In total, there are 23 charging spots on campus. View the parking map for the garage locations. If any issues arise with the charging stations, please contact Nicole Feldt at (520) 621-3758.

What brand of charging stations do you have?
We use ChargePoint charging stations. Learn more here:

How much does it cost to charge my vehicle?
Charging at the new stations will cost $0.03 per minute. This covers the cost to provide charging, while generating a small amount of revenue to go towards the purchase of additional devices. There will be a four-hour maximum to charge at this rate. If a vehicle continues to be plugged in after the four hours, the rate will triple to $0.09 per minute. The intention is to allow more patrons to charge their vehicles in a day. Vehicles must be actively charging while parked at these stations to avoid receiving citations.
Is there an app for ChargePoint?
Yes. Drivers may download the free ChargePoint app from the App Store or Google Play to find the charging stations, track their charging, receive notifications and more. The app can also help drivers find any of the more than 60,000 other ChargePoint charging spaces throughout North America. To learn more about the features of the app, click here:

Can I leave my vehicle parked in the space after I am done charging?
The charging parking spot is intended only for active charging. We advise that you move your vehicle once it's done charging. Otherwise, the cost triples if you remain in the parking space.

Can I park a non-electric vehicle in front of a charging unit if that's the only space left in the garage?
No. These spaces are only for charging electric vehicles - they are not priority parking for electric vehicles. Violators will be subject to citation for parking a non-electric vehicle or unplugged electric vehicle in this space.


Motorist Assistance Program

What if I lock my keys in car? What if my car won't start, or has a flat tire?
The motorist assistance program is FREE and is available to all UArizona affiliates! If you are having car troubles, call 621-AUTO (2886) for assistance. Please visit our website's Motorist Assistance Program page for more information.
What if I need an emergency ride home?
If you do not have a parking permit and find that you need a ride home in an emergency situation, call the Emergency Ride Home line at 621-1108. This is a resource if you take alternative transportation to work or school but an emergency arises wherein you need to get home. We will arrange for Lyft to pick you up and transport you where you need to go, free of charge! Parking and Transportation Services will pay the Lyft fare, including tip. If you use a wheelchair or must transport a child, please notify us so we can notify the Lyft of your special needs. Please visit our website for more information.

Disability Cart Service

Where do I find information about the Disability Cart Service?
Visit our website for information on the cart service.



What are the Dispatch Office hours?
Academic: 6:30 a.m. - Midnight, Monday through Friday.
Summer, Winter & Spring Break: 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., Monday through Friday
Do you cite on the weekends?
Yes, we enforce the parking rules and regulations on the weekend with no specific enforcement schedule.

What is the correct display of permits?
We are transitioning to the Permit-by-Plate system, which will connect your parking permit to your license plate. In order to be recognized as a permit holder and avoid citations, please make sure that your license plate is visible from the driving lane. Permits must be displayed in all University parking lots during hours posted at the lot entrance. Failure or improper display of a permit will result in a citation.
Why are you enforcing when school is not in session?
We enforce all days except official University holidays, unless a special event is taking place requiring us to provide our services.
I park in a surface lot and would like to use a car cover. Is this permitted?
Car covers are permitted, as long as both the permit and license plates are visible from the outside.

Why can I no longer back into a parking space in the parking garage?
Since August 2019, we have been in the process of transitioning to Permit-by-License Plate, which will connect your parking permit to your license plate. Once this program is completely implemented, your license plate will be your permit.

Our Parking Services officers and License Plate Recognition vehicle need to be able to see your license plate to verify your permit. If you prefer to back into a space or pull through, we offer unique front permit plates that link with your account. You may obtain one by submitting the blue warning card found on your windshield. This option is only available to permit holders, and there is a limit of one front permit plate per customer.

For more information about the Permit-by-License Plate visited our website at:


How will I be notified of a citation?
When our Parking Service officers observe a violation, they place a parking citation on the vehicle's windshield. This constitutes a lawful delivery of the citation. Once the citation is placed, it becomes the responsibility of the driver or owner of the vehicle. This is the same standard that applies to law enforcement agencies when they issue parking citations. Citation notifications may also be sent via email or by US mail. You may check the status of your account by logging into your Parking Account Portal.
How can I pay for my citation?
When you receive a citation, you have four different payment options. Keep in mind that you have fourteen calendar days from the date the citation was issued to pay for the citation before late fees and other penalties apply.

1.Submit payment for the citation online using your Parking Account Portal. Payment can be made online using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. Benefits-eligible employees may use payroll deduction by selecting this payment method on the Parking Portal.
2.Visit the Parking and Transportation Office. The PTS office is located at 1117 E 6th St Tucson, AZ 85721-0181. Office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM -- 4:00 PM. except on Thursdays, when we open at 9:00 AM.
3.Pay over the phone. Please call Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. Be sure to have your citation number ready.
4.Send a check by U.S. mail to the following address:

Parking & Transportation Services
The University of Arizona
1117 E. 6th St.
Tucson, AZ 85721

PLEASE NOTE: Do not send cash in the mail!

When will a late fee be attached to the citation?
A $20.00 late fee will be added after the fourteenth calendar day from the date the citation was issued. Citations that are under appeal are placed on hold and if upheld, late fees do not accrue until fourteen calendar days after adjudication.
I received a citation. What options are available other than payment?
There are two available options, other than paying the fine, to handle your citation.
  1. Appeal the citation online. You can only appeal a citation within 14 calendar days of the date the citation was issued. To submit an appeal, you must log in to your Parking Account Portal, select the correct citation, and choose the option “Appeal this Citation.”
  2. Request to participate in the Diversion Program. Only one request, per permit year, will be granted, and must be made within fourteen calendar days from the date the citation was issued. To enroll in the Diversion Program, submit a request through the Parking Account Portal under “Appeal.” In the “Appeal Reason” space, type the words “Diversion Request.”


I filed an appeal through the web, and just want to be sure that you received it.
When you file a web appeal through your Parking Account Portal, the system gives you an appeal number to confirm it was received. If you did not get a confirmation number, your appeal was not received. Please call the Appeals Division at (520) 621 8692 or email them here if you have any questions.
How do I check the status of my appeal?
The appeal details and status can be viewed at any time from the Parking Account Portal by clicking “View Your Appeals” in the Citation section. You can also call the Appeals Division at (520) 621 8692 or send an email to them here.
I filed an appeal. When will I get a response?
The normal appeals process takes approximately up to 2 weeks for completion.

After submitting an appeal, how will I know if my citation was dismissed or upheld?
After the appeals officer has reviewed the information and has made a decision, an adjudication notice will be emailed to your official university email address. If you are a visitor, the adjudication notice will be send to the email address or permanent address you provided in your appeal. You can also view the adjudication notice online in your Parking Account Portal.
I have not heard about my appeal decision yet, and the 14th day when late fees attach is approaching? What should I do?
As soon as your appeal is received, the citation is placed on a hold status to prevent late fees from accruing. Please do not pay the citation until after the appeal has been reviewed and a decision is made. Paying the citation waives the right to appeal.
What is a Second Level Appeal?
If your first level adjudication was denied and you have information not yet disclosed and wish to present it at a second-level hearing, please contact our office at (520) 626-7275 no later than the due date listed on your first level adjudication email. An appeals retainer in the amount of the citation is required when scheduling. Failure to request a second-level review by the listed due date waives the right to any further review of the citation. If the second level appeal is denied, the retainer will be applied to payment of the citation. If your first level adjudication is overturned, you will be issued a full refund of the retainer amount.
What is a Third Level Appeal?
An unfavorable decision from the Hearing Officer in your second level hearing may be appealed to the Parking Hearing Board. The Board meets once in the spring and once in the fall and is comprised of University employees and student representatives that do not work for Parking and Transportation Services. The Board is an independent and impartial body charged with providing a fair hearing. The hearing request must be made no later than the due date listed on your second level adjudication email. Failure to request a third-level review by the listed due date waives the right to any further review of the citation.


What is the Diversion Program?
This program allows you to either reduce or eliminate the fee associated with a parking citation. We have designed the program to be completed as an online, multiple-choice test, which is self-paced. On average, it will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete. You must answer at least 80 out of 100 questions correctly in order to pass the course. The test will include one optional extra credit question that can replace one incorrect answer. Only one request per permit year will be granted.


Business Office / Payroll Questions

Who can purchase a permit or bus pass on payroll?
Any active employee collecting a paycheck.

Why would I want to put my permit or bus pass on payroll deduction?
For your convenience, permit and bus pass costs can be deducted from your paycheck. Permit purchases will be automatically deducted from September through May pay periods. Permits are divided over 18 periods. Annual and semester U-Passes are deducted over 4 pay periods. In the months with a third pay period, a deduction will not be processed. As an additional benefit, customers electing to participate in Payroll Deductions will have first priority to renew their permits.

Can I put a citation on payroll?
Any active employee collecting a pay check can put a citation on payroll, but it is a post-tax deduction.

When I put a permit, bus pass, or citation on payroll, when will the deductions start?
Depending on what day of the week you purchase your permit, it may take up to four weeks for the deduction to come out of your pay.
Why doesn't my permit or bus pass year-to-date deduction match the current amount deducted from my paycheck?
The figure on your paycheck is for a calendar year (January - December). Permits and bus passes are issued in August and the deductions are collected over two calendar years.
Can I return my permit without coming into your office?
If you are returning your RFID in May or during the summer, you may bring it to our office or drop it off at any garage cashier booth. Obtain a return receipt and keep it in your personal records for six months. Permits returned prior to May should be returned at our office in case a refund is due or a balance is owed.

We suggest that permits returned to us by US Mail be sent via Certified Mail. RFIDs should be placed in a cardboard or bubble-pack mailer to prevent damage during mailing. If you are expecting a refund, please include a note to that effect. Please make sure that we receive it in the mail by the last business day in April. We do not process refunds after the last business day April.

The permit return will be processed in our office as of the day it was received, not the day it was mailed. Usage will be calculated and a refund issued, if applicable. Please contact Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275 to check your permit's refund eligibility.

Permits may be mailed to:
Attn: Customer Relations
Parking & Transportation Services
The University of Arizona
1117 E 6th St
Tucson, AZ 85721

Travel Reduction Program

What does TRP stand for and why do we have one?
TRP means Travel Reduction Program. The program enables UArizona to cooperate with a Pima County ordinance that requires any employer with over 100 employees to put in place a program that will help reduce air pollution and implement travel reduction strategies within Pima County area.
Why do we fill out a Travel Reduction survey each year?
The ordinance requires it. The UArizona compliance level is measured against the results of the data submitted. This is one major way for UArizona, the city and the county to understand travel patterns at UArizona, and develop alternative solutions to single occupancy-driving habits. This reduces traffic on our streets and promotes cleaner air.
What does the survey ask?
The survey mainly wants to how the employee commutes to work. Other questions ask for information such as how many miles and minutes it takes to travel from home to work and back, whether you work full time, and your work schedule. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete.
Will anyone know who filled out the survey?
It is anonymous, online and managed by PAG.

Non-Pedestrian Devices

Why were electric scooters banned?
Safety is our priority here at PTS. UArizona  has safety concerns for riders and pedestrians, since the scooters can reach speeds of up to 15 mph. There are also concerns about the scooters limiting accessibility.

Who/what influenced this decision to ban the scooters?
UArizona  has safety concerns and concerns about the scooters limiting accessibility, since riders can leave scooters wherever they stop. We are not aware of any shared-use scooters on UArizona's campus, but the University is trying to be proactive.

What issue do the scooters pose?
Our goal is to prevent e-scooters from blocking doorways, walkways, and other campus paths. Additionally, we do not want e-scooters to be brought into campus buildings, which would pose safety and accessibility concerns.
What is the benefit/hope that will come from not having the scooters on campus?
We are working toward a long term solution and determining if they can be used safely on campus. UArizona is collaborating with the City of Tucson and others to find a long-term plan for the scooters. The City of Tucson is developing rules for an e-scooter pilot program soon. The University will be evaluating the results of that pilot to determine if we will allow e-scooters on our campus in the future.

What are the repercussions of now having an electric scooter on campus?
If found parked illegally or abandoned on campus, the scooters are subject to fines and impoundment.
For students, faculty or staff that have their own electric scooters, how should they commute around campus?
The Cat Tran is a great, safe, and free way to get around campus. This service is available for UArizona students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Real-time tracking is available via UArrive and the Arizona Mobile app. For detailed maps and route information, please visit our website's Cat Tran page.

An additional service is our Cat Wheels program. Cat Wheels is our bike share system where students, faculty, and staff can borrow a bike free of charge. Bikes can be checked out from the cashier booth of any campus garage (except South Stadium Garage), the Outdoor Rec area of the Campus Rec Center, or either of the Bike Valet stations on campus. For more information, please visit

All non-pedestrian device users must abide by Parking & Transportation Services Motorized Rules and Regulations; a copy can be found here