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Ridesharing through Pima Association of Governments

What is Sun Rideshare?
UA employees are eligible for Sun Rideshare, a free carpool matching service for commuters in Pima County. The program provides interested applicants with a "matchlist" of other commuters who live and work near them and also want to carpool. Commuters set up their own carpools to fit their particular commuting needs.
How does Sun Rideshare work?
First, you provide Sun Rideshare with your name and home address (confidential), along with the other information requested on the application form. Sun Rideshare enters this data into their computer, and within minutes you receive a computer-generated matchlist with all the names and phone numbers of other commuters wanting to carpool. It's that simple. You can also give your information over the phone by calling 884-RIDE(7433).
What do I do once I receive my matchlist?
Start forming your carpool immediately. Begin by calling, or emailing, the people on your list. Arrange an informal meeting, perhaps in your company cafeteria or a nearby coffee shop. At this meeting, you will want to discuss:
  • A schedule of who drives and when.
  • Convenient pick up and drop off locations.
  • Auto insurance coverage.
  • Use of radio...smoking...length of time to wait for fellow carpoolers...temperature in car, and any other factors affecting the comfort of all passengers.
  • A payment schedule for each person's fair share of total expenses.
  • If your first contact doesn't work out, continue calling or emailing other names on your list. And don't hesitate to phone Sun Rideshare at 884-RIDE(7433) if you need additional help in forming your carpool.
Park and Ride lots...another smart way to go
Park and Ride lots throughout Tucson provide commuters with the option of carpooling at least part of the way each workday. Many of these lots are located near child care centers, schools, and shopping facilities. They offer a handy alternative for commuters from outlying areas, or with stops to make before or after work. You may request more information about Sun Rideshare's Park and Ride lots by calling Sun Rideshare at 884-RIDE(7433).
Why should I Carpool?
First of all, carpooling can save you as much as $1,000 a year in auto fuel, insurance and maintenance costs. You will also enjoy a more relaxing ride to and from work. Just as important, you'll be doing your city a tremendous service. Carpoolers help preserve Tucson's quality of life by decreasing air pollution and traffic congestion. When you Sun Rideshare...we all win.
Great news to help you save money and reduce stress on your daily commute to work.
Pima Association of Governments (PAG) has implemented a vanpool program to assist with the formation of vanpools at the University of Arizona. The PAG vanpool program will enable all residents in southern Arizona to save money and reduce the stress of their daily commute by starting or joining a vanpool.

PAG provides a monthly subsidy up to $500 per van which consists of 6 to 15 riders. vRide provides the vans, insurance, maintenance and a fuel debit card. The UA Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) provide the vanpool with a parking permit at existing premier parking locations, AND A monthly vanpool fare, including gas ranges from $75-125 per month depending on mileage, number of riders and van size.