Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Low Cost Parking Options

Hourly Garage & Street Pay Parking

If you’re only on campus for a short time you can pay by the hour. Passport Mobile Parking App is available in gateless garages and surface lots around campus for $2 per hour.

How do I pay for parking with Passport Parking? 30-second how-to video.
  1. Download the Passport Parking app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.
  2. Create an account with your mobile phone number or email address. Credit card and license plate number is required.
  3. Park anywhere in the garage facility except for restricted spaces (reserved, accessible, etc.)
  4. Pay for your parking session from your phone.
  5. Get alerts when your parking session is about to end. Extend your time remotely if you need to stay longer.
  6. Option to receive an email receipt at the end of your parking session.
Passport Parking App (

Park & Ride – Off Campus Parking

Park 'N Ride UA PTS | Park and Rides Permits! parking lots are conveniently located near Cat Tran shuttle stops and along Sun Tran routes, making commuting into campus easy. No matter what side of town you are traveling from, a Park 'N Ride lot is available. See Parking Permit Rates

Available to purchase on the Parking Account Portal.

Evening Permits – Lower cost permits valid in garages or parking lots.

See Parking Permit Rates Parking Permit Rates
  • Surface lots: Permit allows parking in any of our surface lots from 2:30p.m. – 4:59 a.m.
  • Garage: Permit allows parking for a specific garage from 3:30p.m.- 4:59a.m.
Available to purchase on the Parking Account Portal.