Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Program Changes

The pandemic has allowed us to make drastic parking program changes to meet the need of students, employees, and visitors. Review all the details below before renewing or purchasing a parking permit.

Permit: Grants customer permission to park in a designated area..
Waitlist: Placing yourself on a waitlist holds your place in line until a permit becomes available in your preferred location. Waitlists are open from October through January on a space-available basis. If you don't see a waitlist for a specific location, it means the parking location is at capacity. Waitlist requests do not guarantee a permit will be awarded for a permit location.
Renew: An opportunity to purchase parking permit in same location for the following year.
Autorenew: A discontinued process for payroll deduction employees.
Parking Account Portal: PTS's online web commerce portal to sell parking permits, pay citations, and view communications.
Permit-By-License Plate
What is it?: Your license plate is your parking permit. No more displaying physical permits or waiting for one in the mail every year!
Head-in parking: Our Parking Services officers need to be able to see your license plate in order to verify your permit. If you prefer to back into a space or pull through, please contact us.
Quick Facts
$0 from tuition: As an auxiliary unit, to be operational, PTS must raise its own revenue.
~30 years to pay for a parking space: On average, a parking space costs $26,673, so it takes approximately 36 years to pay it off and break even at the rate of $726/year. Permit holders are spending $0.35/hour or around $2.79/day for the privilege to park in a garage. The rates are even lower if you park in a surface lot. Not included in these figures is the $1550/space cost to operate and maintain the facility.
$1.7 mil to UAZ: PTS pays an administrative service charge back to the University. This money is used specifically to support overhead costs and administrative services that benefit the entire University but are not easily assignable to any one unit.
Temporary relocation may occur: Certain locations may be displaced due to events, organizations, or departments reserving parking for their patrons. Should this happen, PTS will provide alternative parking location options for permit holders.

Program Changes For Existing Permit Holders
Discontinuation of auto-renew
Description of program change
An announcement video regarding discontinuation of auto-renew.
Prior to the pandemic, we've historically renewed parking permits for employees on payroll deduction automatically. However, this past year we listened to many concerns regarding parking permits being automatically renewed while customers were unaware. In response, this upcoming parking permit renewal season, we are giving you the power over your permit. All permit holders will now be required to visit our website and renew their permit on the Parking Account Portal.

Regardless of method of payment, all permit holders will be offered a chance to repurchase their current parking location for the upcoming year.
How to purchase a permit on payroll deduction
Watch this short video on how to purchase parking permit and pay on payroll deduction
Step-by-step instructions on how to renew included in the Parking Account Manual.

80% of Locations Permit-by-License Plate
We piloted this for parking north of campus. We're ready to roll it out to more individuals.
Perks about Permit-by-License Plate
  • No more mail
  • No need to display on dashboard
  • Sustainable choice by going paperless
  • Allows access in gateless garages. We are continuing our effort to remove gates in garages, so look for future updates when this could apply to you.
For garage permit holders
Keep RFID units, no new sticker required! The RFID unit communicates with gate arms to lift entry and exit gates. Cat Cards can be swiped too.
For surface lot
Enter all license plates you want associated to your parking permit.
Updating Parking Account Portal
Need to update your account with new license plates?

Lot Changes
New Lot Specific Locations
Former Zone 1 Lots: 1018, 2021, 2136, 2119, 2025, Vine Ave, and Helen
We've heard your feedback about not being able to find parking in high demand Zone 1 lots. One common example is if you leave for lunch, it's unlikely you'd find a spot in the same parking lot when you return and will have to park further away. Our solution was to turn these high demand Zone 1 lots into Lot Specific.
There are advantages to this:
  • This reduces stress related to finding a parking space and will have you on your way, faster!
  • This reduces traffic congestion and pollution because permit holders aren't circling the lots trying to find a parking space.
Locations not converting to Permit-By-License Plate
Locations listed below will require a physical permit. You can expect to receive these permits in the mail before August 16, 2021.
  • Main Campus Lots - 1018, 2021, 2025, 2119, 2136, 2147, Vine Ave Specific, Helen Street Specific, National Championship Drive, all motorcycle locations and specialty permits (i.e. Retiree, USA, President's Club).

  • PBC Campus - All locations
See the locations below
Lot 9010 Closed
The park and ride Lot 9010 will be closed for 2021-2022.

Garage and Surface Lot Changes
Passport Parking Mobile App further integration
Converting Two More Garages as Gateless
South Stadium and Highland Ave Garage will be converted to gateless garages
  • Hourly parking fees must be paid through Passport Parking App (available thorugh Google Play or Apple App Store)
  • Permit holders will no longer need an RFID unit to enter and exit. However, license plate must be registered and associated with the designated parking location.

What is the advantage?
We've piloted this set up at Honors Village and Health Sciences Garage and permit holders are happy to report less friction points! Every second of your day counts and you won't be delayed by long lines at the exit.

Why now?
Parking & Transportation Services is moving towards removing gates at most garages to improve the overall parking experience.

What about the RFID unit that lifts up the gate arms?
RFID units need to be returned by September 30.

Surface Lot Hourly Pay Parking Extended
  • Surface lot hourly pay parking will now be enforced until 9 PM
  • Hourly parking fees must be paid through Passport Parking App (available through Google Play or Apple App Store)
Pilot Program for Hangtags Expire
6th St. Garage permit holders will receive new RFID unit in the mail. The units will be effective 8/16/2021, or the start of the new permit year. You may dispose of the previous hang tag permits.

Frequently Asked Questions
  I canceled my 2020/2021 permit, am I still eligible for auto-renew?
The auto-renew program will discontinue effective this permit year. All permit holders are required to go on the Parking Account Portal to renew their parking permit location. If you chose to cancel your permit, you will have to wait for open registration to sign up for another parking permit.
  Where is my parking permit? I haven't received one yet.
Permit-By-License Plate You will not receive a permit in the mail this year, as your parking permit location has been converted to a Permit-By-License Plate location. This means your license plate is your parking permit. Please make sure your vehicle information is always up to date. Any changes can be made via your Parking Portal.