Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Motorist Assistance Program

  • Does your vehicle need a jump start?
  • Did you accidentally lock the keys in your car?
  • Do you need to locate your car?
  • Does your air (air compressor) need service?
The Motorist Assistance Program(MAP), is a free service provided by the Parking and Transportation Services Parking Enforcement Section to all UA affiliates.

Call 621-2886 for assistance.

Vehicles requesting MAP service must be on University and/or Commercial property within the University property boundary as defined by UAPD campus patrol area.

If the Officer is unable to complete the Assistive service, our dispatcher can provide you with up to three alternative phone numbers to a commercial provider for the type of service needed.


Our MAP service is available to assist you per the following scheduled time periods:
  • Fall / Spring: (mid August through mid May)
    7am - 11pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Summer Break Schedule: (mid May through mid Aug)
    7am - 7pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Service is not available during University Holidays or on weekends.