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Bicycle & Pedestrian Accommodation Policy

The University of Arizona's Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Policy establishes a means by which the University will support pedestrians and bicyclists by strengthening connectivity networks and provide infrastructure on campus.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation policy establishes a framework and vision through which the Parking & Transportation Services department can fulfill its mission to support the University's growth, maintain bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and stewardship of the institution's sustainable transportation efforts.

We realize the benefits of biking and walking impact not only the individuals but also the community and environment. To support these travel modes, we have incorporated walking and bicycle facilities into design standards for the University. Specifically, our Comprehensive Campus Plans (2003, 2009), the UA Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2012) and Design and Specifications Standards (Campus Planning and Urban Design Guidelines). Our paramount approach is to provide safe and convenient pathways that go beyond the minimum standards to encourage more walking and biking, in an effort to reduce dependency on single occupant vehicles and to decrease the demand for vehicle parking and infrastructure on campus.

To support well-utilized bicycle and pedestrian networks on campus, the University must actively incorporate purposeful design and engineering efforts as a cornerstone strategy. Such actions should include:

  • Identify ways to support the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists at the design stage of each project affecting transportation systems, roadways on campus, and pedestrian pathways.
  • Transportation systems should utilize best practices and guidelines put forth by the National Association of City Transportation Officials Urban Bikeway Design Guide, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Federal Highway Administration Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide, and relevant publications from the Arizona Department of Transportation Services.
  • Improve gateways to campus by working with the City of Tucson to strengthen connectivity of off-campus bike routes with campus entry points.
  • Consider complete street policies in the master plan objectives to establish long-range support for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
  • Utilize signage, bike lanes, bike boulevards, and shared lane markings to enhance bicycle networks on campus.
  • Provide end-of-trip facilities, such as bike parking and shower facilities, that are convenient and sufficient in quantities.
  • Improve pathways for pedestrians through continued maintenance, widening sidewalks, and design that is based on foot traffic patterns.

While this policy focuses on the ways the University can accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians through design and engineering, other efforts will be made to address education, enforcement, evaluation, and encouragement of bicyclists and pedestrians on campus.