PBC Cat Wheels Bike Sharing Program
The Cat-Wheels Bike Program is a Parking & Transportation initiative designed to provide a free bicycle loan system for Phoenix Biomedical Campus. The program is developed to help students and staff move around campus in a quick, safe, and sustainable fashion. Seven bikes are available, from single-speed cruisers to seven-speeds, and come with a U-lock and a set of attachable bike lights. You can check out a bike for up to a week!
- Bikes are available (free of charge) to the UA, ASU and NAU PBC community. Students or employees must have a current/valid PBC access card.
- U-Lock, key, and set of attachable lights provided with each bike and must be returned in the same condition as when checked out.
- Bikes can be checked out Monday-Friday 7:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Check out location is the HSEB front desk
- First time renters will be asked by the HSEB front desk to read and sign a bike loan agreement. All subsequent check-outs will only require your PBC access card.
- Bicycles are issued on a first come first served basis (no advanced reservations).
- Bike loan agreements may be accessed online, printed, completed, and taken to the HSEB front desk. The process is simple, easy, and fast.
- The bicycle must be returned to the same enclosure and the access card dropped off at the HSEB security desk.
- A daily late fee of $10.00 will apply - up to the cost of replacing the bicycle. Any user not returning bicycle after 7 days will be reported to UAPD (University Police).
- User indemnifies the University and agrees to pay for replacement costs in case of loss of bicycle and/or equipment (lock, key, and/or lights). See rental agreement form for specifics.
- Users agree to allow PTS to collect any fees through their Bursars account (if student) or payroll deduction (if employee).
- Bike renewals are allowed provided the availability of a different bike.
- User agrees to use bicycle responsibly, according to all applicable laws.