Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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New Permit Holders

Welcome to The University of Arizona! Let’s get you a parking space…

Students: ATTEND one of our Parking Sessions during orientation. These sessions cover all the important information you need to know to secure a parking permit. Visit University of Arizona Orientation | Welcome New Students! to get started.

  • Students: ATTEND one of our Parking Sessions during orientation. These sessions cover all the important information you need to know to secure a parking permit.
  • Review the Parking Map to see the desired location(s) where you would like to park. If a location is not available, you may add yourself to one location waitlist. We recommend that you purchase a permit to secure a location and if a space becomes available in your waitlisted location, we will notify you by your UArizona email address.
  • Review the “How to” instruction tab to purchase a permit or to add yourself to a waitlist.

When you log on with your NetID to the parking account web portal, if your credentials do not log you in, DO NOT create a guest account. Call us at (520) 626-7275 to review your information.

During open sales and before each semester begins: You may experience high volume on our web portal, the system may place you in a waiting room before making your purchase. If you are unable to wait to make the purchase, consider visiting the parking portal in the evening hours (the web portal is open 24/7 to serve you)!

Reach out to us if you have any questions at