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eScooter Parking

Electric Scooters Prohibited On University of Arizona Campus

The University of Arizona prohibits unauthorized electric scooters on campus. This applies to electric scooters owned either by an individual or a shared-use mobility company, unless expressly approved by the University. If found, electric scooters (e-scooters) are subject to fines and impoundment at the responsibility of the owner/operator. The latest regulations can be found here: Campus Parking & Traffic Regulations.

This policy is in place due to concern for the safety of e-scooters and their potential to limit accessibility on campus, especially for those with disabilities. Our goal is to mitigate e-scooters from blocking doorways, walkways, and other campus paths. Additionally, we do not want e-scooters to be brought into campus buildings, which would pose safety and accessibility concerns. Electric scooters that are used by individuals with mobility disabilities can register their device with the Disability Resource Center and PTS to use on campus.

Park electric scooters in the designated parking areas on the perimeter of the University of Arizona campus. Here is a map of those locations.

Locking electric scooters to bike racks is prohibited. At the following electric scooter parking areas, we have installed racks specifically for scooters to be locked to:

ENR2 & 6th Street, Rec Center, 4th Street & Park Ave., Lot 6097, Lot 1232, Lot 2012

An excerpt from Campus Parking & Traffic Regulations is included below.

Article VIII. 7 Other Non-Pedestrian Devices

Non-pedestrian devices are defined as motorized or non-motorized equipment designed to propel or transport people using human power, electricity, or fuel. Examples of non-pedestrian devices include, but are not limited to:

Roller and inline skates

Scooters (electric and non-electric, owned by either an individual or shared-use mobility company)

Segway personal mobility devices or transporters


Hover boards (a self-balancing one or two-wheeled board)

  1. The above listed non-pedestrian devices (except electric scooters) can be ridden on sidewalks, bike paths, and in any area not prohibited by signs and/or regulations.
  2. Persons operating such devices must always yield to pedestrians and obey all traffic signs. It is the operator's responsibility to operate equipment in a safe and controlled manner.
  3. Using non-pedestrian devices on stairs, landings, handrails, benches, bike racks, University structures, or in parking garages for "acrobatic stunts" is prohibited on campus.
  4. Any person legally defined as disabled and utilizing a non-pedestrian device as their means of transportation is exempt from any non-pedestrian device regulation that would be in violation of ADA accessibility requirements/use.
  5. A non-pedestrian device used as a disabled vehicle must be registered through Parking & Transportation Services and receive a disability symbol/permit to attach to their non-pedestrian device indicating that it is authorized for use on campus as such.
  6. Electric scooters (excluding handicap scooters) are prohibited on the University of Arizona property and may not be operated on the campus nor brought into any campus building.
  7. Electric scooters are defined as an electric powered, non-pedal assist mobility device with handles that rise straight up from the front. The electric scooter can be a stand-up or seated mobility device. Electric scooters that are found in use, parked, or abandoned on campus are subject to impoundment (See section 5.06 Impoundment of Vehicles and Non-Pedestrian Devices). This applies to electric scooters owned either by an individual or a shared-use mobility company, unless expressly approved by the University.

Note: If an electric scooter is impounded, the owner must provide proof of ownership such as serial #, and description of the electric scooter before the device will be released back to the owner. Owner must also pay all citations in relation to the electric scooter impoundment.