Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Athletic Event Parking

Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) leases lots and garages on game day to the Intercollegiate Athletics Department (ICA) and reserves spaces for patrons attending the game. During home games, designated lots and garages will have signs posted with parking restrictions.

For game schedules visit UA Athletics’ website at:

Basketball: Opens in new window external link Basketball Schedule
Football: Opens in new window external link: Football Schedule


Tailgating Rules and Regulations

Eligibility and Cost
RV permits are only available for Lot 4052. RV permits are $75 per game (season permits are $75 x total number of games), available for purchase at the entrance. Vehicle permits for Lot 4052 are $15 per game (season permits are $15 x total number of games), available for purchase at the entrance. All permits are sold on a space-available basis; only season permit holders are guaranteed a parking space. Season permits are prorated after each game. Please contact our Customer Service Department at (520) 626-7275, if you have any questions or would like to purchase a season permit. Tailgating is allowed in Lot 4052; Beer and wine consumption is authorized, but hard alcohol is not permitted. Unauthorized alcohol consumption is restricted and strictly enforced by The University of Arizona Police Department.

Hours of Access
Access to RV parking is available starting 8 hours prior to kickoff. Single game permits are only valid on scheduled game dates. Overnight parking is NOT permitted.
Although access is permitted, UA alcohol policy states no alcohol is permitted earlier than 6 hours prior to kickoff.

RV Spaces
RV spaces are 5 standard parking spaces wide and range from 30 to 40 feet long. RV drivers will be directed by lot monitors to assist with parking. A RV permit is required at all times and must be displayed upon entry into the lot. Sharing of permits are NOT permitted. Tailgating will be restricted to only the spaces designated with your permit, secondary cars or trucks are not allowed in RV parking area.

Secondary Vehicles
Vehicles attached to Motor Homes must be unhitched and parked within the designated parking space. A permit is required at all times and must be displayed upon entry. Permits can be purchased at the entrance or in advance by contacting our Customer Service Department at (520) 626-7275.

Generator and Grill Prohibitions Requirements
  • Generators:
    Electric generators that do not emit fumes and do not make noise are permitted on tailgating grounds. Gas generators are NOT permissible on tailgating grounds.

  • Grills:
    Gas grills are allowed. Charcoal grills and wood fires are NOT permissible on tailgating grounds.

  • Violations and Enforcement:
    The University of Arizona Police Department and other police agencies will patrol the lot periodically to enforce tailgate rules and regulations. Vehicles shall be subject to expulsion, fine and/or impoundment for violations including, but not limited to: Failure to comply with the provisions of this program may result in the loss of Motor Home parking privileges for the remainder of the season, as well as non-renewal for future seasons. Permit fees will not be refunded.

Game Day Parking

Vehicle parking on game days is available at various lots and garages for a fee of $10, $15 or $20. For specific locations and prices, please see our Viewing this link requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer. Football Game Map. Tailgating is not permitted in ANY parking garages or these surface lots. Cherry Avenue Garage is restricted to those with a state-issued disabled plate or placard.
Bus Parking Permits
Bus Parking permits are available in advance for $30. Bus parking is limited and designated to the bus bay on the west side of the Parking and Transportation Services Building located at 1117 E. 6th Street. Please contact Special Events at (520) 621-7293 for more information.

Game Day Carpool
Complimentary parking is available at Tyndall Avenue, Park Avenue, and Highland Parking for carpool vehicles Carpool vehicles are defined as having four (4) or more occupants in a vehicle. Occupants must be present at the time of entry to receive complimentary parking.

Cat Tran Game Day Bus Service

Cat Tran Bus Service from/to Park Avenue Garage

Parking and Transportation Services offers Arizona football fans courtesy Cat Tran service from Park Avenue Garage, along Helen Street on the North side of McClelland Hall, to Gate 7, along 6th Street South side of the Arizona Stadium. All UA Cat Trans are ADA compliant and are equipped with air conditioning.

Service will run two hours prior to kick-off and start making return trips at the conclusion of the third quarter. Service will conclude one hour post-game. Please note, post-game buses will depart for their destination when they are at full capacity.


Bear Down with Sun Link -
Park downtown and ride the Sun Link Streetcar into campus, it’s a winning combination.
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