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How to Handle a Citation

UA Affiliated (Students, Employees and DCCs)

Pay Online via Parking Portal

  1. Login with UA NetID Credentials.
  2. Select the icon View/Pay/Appeal Citation.
  3. Enter the citation number or View the citation from the listing.
  4. Select Pay Ticket Now.
  5. Select Credit Card.

There is an additional option of Payroll Deduction for employees and graduate assistants. If there are not sufficient funds, the deduction will not occur, and the citation will be re-added to the parking account. Payment can be made online using a credit card. Account subject to collection fees.

IMPORTANT - Undergraduate Students

Do not pay online: If enrolled during the term the citation is issued and the vehicle is linked to your parking account, the citation will be transferred to your bursar account. Students may still appeal within 14 days of the citation date. If the appeal reduces the fine, adjustments will be reflected in the bursar account. If payment is made online before the citation is transferred, the right to appeal is waived.

Pay online: If not enrolled or the vehicle is not linked to your parking account, payment must be made online at the Parking Portal. Account subject to collection fees.

General Public (Non-Affiliated, Visitors and Others)

Pay Online via Parking Portal

Create a Guest Account

  1. Login to the parking portal.
  2. Select Non Affiliate Login
  3. Select Register and enter Email Address.
  4. Create your password and create a new account.
  5. Fill out the Contact Information and Confirm.
  6. Select the icon View/Pay/Appeal Citation.
  7. Enter the citation number or View the citation from the listing.
  8. Select Pay Ticket.
  9. Payment Method: Credit Card.

UA Affiliated & General Public

Other Payment Methods:
  1. Mail: Include the citation with payment (no cash). Make checks payable to The University of Arizona and write the citation and license plate numbers on the check. Your account may be subject to collection fees if payment is not received on time. Your check will be returned if the amount does not cover the entire amount of the fine.

    The University of Arizona
    Parking & Transportation Services – Customer Relations
    1117 E. Sixth St.
    Tucson, AZ 85721

  2. Phone: Call Customer Relations at (520) 626-7275. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
  3. In Person: Visit 1117 E. Sixth St., Tucson, AZ 85721

Collection Fees

  1. Late Payment Fee: A $20 fee is applied if payment is not received within 29 days of the citation date.
  2. Third-Party Collection Fee: A fee of 33.3% or the maximum allowed by law is applied if payment is not received within 44 days of the citation date.
  3. Referral to Collection Agency: On the 45th day, the citation is sent to a third-party collection agency. Once the citation is transferred, you must contact the agency directly to resolve or dispute the balance, not Parking & Transportation.

How to Appeal a Citation

Appeal a Citation

  • Appeals must be submitted within 14 days of the citation date.
  • No verbal or email appeals are accepted.
  • Paying the citation forfeits your right to appeal. If your appeal is denied or the fine is reduced, the balance is due immediately.
  • Tow fees, relocation charges, and boot fees are non-appealable and must be paid before the release of the vehicle.
  • The Appeals Citation button will not be available if the citation is not appealed within 14 days of the citation date.

UA Affiliated (Students, Employees and DCCs)

Appeal Online via Parking Portal

  1. Login with UA NetID Credentials
  2. Select the icon View/Pay/Appeal Citation.
  3. Enter the citation number or View the citation from the listing.
  4. Select Appeal Citation.

General Public (Non-Affiliated, Visitors and Others)

Appeal Online via Parking Portal

Create a Guest Account

  1. Login to the parking portal.
  2. Select Non-Affiliate Login
  3. Select Register and enter Email Address.
  4. Create your password and create a new account.
  5. Fill out the Contact Information and Confirm.
  6. Select the icon View/Pay/Appeal Citation.
  7. Enter the citation number or View the citation from the listing
  8. Select Appeal Citation.

Appeals Process

First-Level Appeal Process

  1. Appeal submitted by appellant within 14 days of citation issuance.
  2. Adjudication Period:
    • Once an appeal is filed, the case enters the adjudication process. Adjudication involves a thorough review of the facts and evidence presented, as well as the application of rules and regulations. A neutral Appeals Officer conducts this review. Allow ten business days for the Appeals Officer to review the appeal and email the Appeals Decision.
  3. Appeals Decision:
    The decision reached during the adjudication process may either uphold, reverse, or adjust the original citation fine.

Second-Level Appeal Process

If the decision from the First-Level appeal to pay the fine has been upheld and the appellant has new information to share, they have the chance to request a Second-Level Hearing. This allows individuals to discuss their case in person with an Appeal’s Officer. To request this hearing, you must do so within five calendar days of receiving the Appeals Decision email. Failure to request a second level within five calendar days waives the right to any further review of the citation.

Steps To Request A Second Level Hearing
  1. Provide an appeals retainer equivalent to the citation amount.
    • Non-applicable for students whose citation was transferred to the bursar account. For those students, email to request a Second-Level hearing within five calendar days.
  2. Make the payment by either calling (520) 626-7275 or visiting our office located at 1117 E. 6th Street, Tucson, Arizona 85721
  3. Inform the Customer Service Representative that this payment serves as the appeals retainer.
  4. A staff member from the Appeals Unit will contact the individual to schedule the hearing.
  5. If the appeal’s decision is upheld, the retainer will cover the fine amount. If it is overturned, a refund or adjustment of the retainer will be issued. Decision will be emailed to appellant.

Third-Level Hearing Process

If the decision from the second-level hearing is upheld, individuals have the option to have their case heard by a Parking Hearing Board. This board is made up of University employees and student representatives who are independent of Parking & Transportation Services. Their primary responsibility is to ensure an impartial hearing for all appeals. The board meets two times within an academic year, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester.

Steps to Request a Third-Level Hearing
  1. Contact the Parking & Transportation Services Administrative Unit at (520) 621-3550 to schedule a hearing date within five calendar days from the date of the second-level decision email.
  2. Citing Officer Attendance: Individuals may request the presence of the citing officer for examination purposes.
  3. Decision will be emailed to appellant.

Please be aware that failing to attend any of these proceedings when an appearance is requested or required will result in the waiver of any further appeals and forfeiture of the retainer.

Judicial Review

Any person who has received a final ruling from The University of Arizona Parking Hearing Board may have that ruling reviewed by the Superior Court of Pima County in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Review Act, Title 12, Chapter 7, Article 6, and Arizona Revised Statutes. As provided by that act, the appellant must file the complaint within thirty-five calendar days of the Parking Hearing Board’s decision. There is a filing fee assessed by the court system for this process.