Students, headed out for Spring Break? Look into our Holiday Vehicle Storage Parking Permit and/or request a Lyft Code.
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Park & Ride

Park & Ride parking lots are conveniently located near Cat Tran shuttle stops and along Sun Tran routes, making commuting into campus easy. No matter what side of town you are traveling from, a Park & Ride lot is available. For a detailed map of all Park & Ride locations, see below.

  • North of campus: Lot 9004 & 9007 are located off of Mountain Ave; serviced by the Orange Cat Tran route. Campus stops are located near the Student Union and the Learning Services Building. Cost is $105.

We have created a new annual parking location with early-shift employees in mind, accompanied by early-morning Cat Tran service and expanded Cat Tran hours.

  • South of campus: The Bridges (located off of Kino Parkway near the University's Tech Park) is serviced by the Red Cat Tran route. Campus stops include Campus Health and Optical Science. First pick up at Bridges is at 3:55am. Cost is $105.

Last-minute changes to routes may be experienced. To stay informed of these changes, as well as detours, affected service routes and real-time updates, please use the Transloc app or Cat Tran Tracker on our website to view real time tracking and alerts. We appreciate your understanding.


  • A neighborhood boarding pass is required for Orange Route and can be purchased on the Parking Account Portal.
    • Log in with your UA netID
    • Select Get Permits
    • Select Alternative Transportation.
    • Proceed through the purchase pages
    • Your temporary boarding pass can be accessed by logging into the Parking Portal, selecting Permits and then selecting View while you wait for your physical boarding pass to arrive in the mail.
    • Please note, a boarding pass is NOT required on the Red route. However, if you wish to park your vehicle in the Bridges Park & Ride Lots, a parking permit is required.